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The big publisher news out this week  is about True/Slant, a Newstex publisher, which will be acquired by Forbes.   True/Slant is a unique Web site offering original content news tailored to both the “Entrepreneurial  Journalist” and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with  digital audiences.  The acquisition of True/Slant by Forbes clearly communicates that True/Slant is a respected  publisher of Authoritative Content.True/Slant Founder and CEO Lewis Dvorkin, who spent several years working for Forbes earlier in his career, will join Forbes as chief Product Officer on June 1, 2010.  In his new role at Forbes, Dvorkin will lead all Forbes editorial areas.  According to the press release:"Forbes mission and message will not change.  There will be new opportunities for people inside Forbes; new opportunities for audiences to have a deeper relationship with Forbes; and new opportunities for marketers to engage with our important audiences."And in the words of Dvorkin as published on the True/Slant blog, The Copy Box:"The news business remains in tremendous turmoil, searching for both  credible journalistic experiences and profitable models: High cost, high  quality journalism is staring into the face of low cost “content  farming.”The True/Slant team is quite proud that it helped lead the way in  producing high quality content in an efficient manner. Now, we are  incredibly excited about moving our ideas and passion on to the bigger  stage of and all of Forbes Media’s other properties."You can read Dvorkin's full blog post here.