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What does the Twitterverse look like in 2012? Infographic Labs gives us a peak into the world of Twitter in a new infographic called Twitter 2012 (see it below). With over 465 million accounts, 175 million tweets a day, and 11 new Twitter accounts created every second (that's 1 million new accounts per day), the Twitterverse keeps growing!People tweet at all times of the day and night with most people accessing Twitter directly from the web at (67%). A much smaller percentage of users tweet from a mobile application (16%) or a Twitter client like Tweetdeck, HootSuite, or Seesmic (10%).Who is tweeting? The top 10 countries with the most Twitter users are:

  1. United States = 107.7 million
  2. Brazil = 33.3 million
  3. Japan = 29.9 million
  4. United Kingdom = 23.8 million
  5. Indonesia = 19.5 million
  6. India = 13.0 million
  7. Mexico = 11 million
  8. Philippines = 8 million
  9. Spain = 8 million
  10. Canada = 7 million

Some of the most interesting information included in the Twitter 2012 infographic sheds light on the type of content people are most likely to retweet. For Authoritative Content publishers, this knowledge could help you increase the number of retweets your content gets. According to the infographic, the following factors are what make people retweet content:

  1. Interesting content = 92%
  2. Personal connection= 84%
  3. Humor = 66%
  4. Incentive = 32%
  5. Retweet requests = 26%
  6. Celebrity status = 21%

And if you want people to follow you on Twitter, then you should understand the top ways that people find and follow other Twitter members:

  1. Suggested by friends = 69%
  2. Online search = 47%
  3. Suggested by Twitter = 44%
  4. Promotions = 31%

So what can we learn from all of this data? The best way to grow your audience is to leverage Twitter for building relationships and personal connections. And be sure to tweet interesting content!

Facebook 2012

Twitter 2012: The Freshest Statistics on the King of Microblogging Services by Infographiclabs

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