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new york times

Print versions of magazines have been killed off in rapid succession in recent years. Most recently, Newsweek was added to this list with its final print edition to be published on December 31, 2102. Local and regional newspapers have also seen their fair share of deaths (see a list of notable print newspaper deaths), but so far, newspaper giants haven't followed suit.Yes, many big newspapers have moved more content to digital and mobile formats and tested paywalls, but despite declining print sales, newspapers like The New York Times keep printing daily editions. But for how long?Henry Blodget, editor-in-chief of Business Insider, asked The New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson that question at the Business Insider 2012 IGNITION conference, and her answer might surprise you. You can watch the exchange between Henry and Jill below:Jill made several interesting points when Henry asked her when the print edition of The New York Times will die. To recap, she says:

  • "I really believe that there is a big appetite for both [the print and digital] products."
  • "No one can predict that there will always be a robust appetite for both [print and digital] but for the foreseeable future, I just think I'm going to be putting out the best news report in journalism that will be both in newspaper form and all kinds of digital forms."
  • "We have 800 and some thousand people who have subscribed to the newspaper for two years or more. The price keeps going up and they still find it indispensable to their day and to their lives."
  • "It's sort of a myth that there is this huge average age difference between our print readership and digital."
  • "I certainly recognize and I respect the fact that for certain parts of our news report there is going to a predominantly digital audience."

What do you think about Jill's responses to Henry's question about the future of the print edition of The New York Times? Accurate? Corporate rhetoric? Leave a comment and share your thoughts on the future of print newspapers like The New York Times.Image: S. Diddy

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