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The upcoming "affordable" Amazon Kindle includes Wi-Fi access (not 3G)  to download books and more, and it costs just $139.  The upcoming $189 Amazon Kindle includes free 3G access to download books and more.That's quite a price difference from the original Kindle as well as Apple's hot (and pricey) iPad product.  It's also $10 cheaper than the more competitive Nook ereader from Barnes & Noble.The $139 and $189 Amazon Kindle devices were only announced recently for pre-orders, but there is already a backlog due to high demand (although Amazon has been known to manufacture backlogs in the past, so it's impossible to predict what the real pre-order volume looks like) with shipping on new devices now delayed.  New orders will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis as new Amazon Kindles become available for shipping.Sounds like the more affordable Amazon Kindles are already a success.However, marketing experts are predicting that the Amazon Kindle and other ereaders won't reach the masses until the price tag drops below $100.  We'll have to wait and see how the actual sales volume numbers shake out for the more affordable Amazon Kindle devices, but I think the $100 estimate is probably accurate in terms of predicting when ereaders will be purchased in multiple quantities per household across a broad consumer audience.What do you think?  Do you own an Amazon Kindle, an iPad, Nook or another ereader device?  Leave a comment and tell us what made you decide to buy (or not buy) a particular ereader.By the way, all blogs syndicated through Newstex are automatically available on Amazon Kindle!  If you're a Newstex publisher, you can follow the link to get your free Amazon Kindle badge.

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