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Here at Newstex, we've been putting a lot of thought into the authoritative voices behind the blogs and content we syndicate (watch for news about that coming in the next month).In the clutter of the online world, it seems like everyone is claiming to be an expert, which makes it challenging for true authorities to stand out from the crowd.  Ultimately, the term 'expert' has lost a lot of its importance now that anyone can start a blog and call himself or herself an expert.Brian Solis discussed this exact problem awhile back on his blog as it relates to social media expertise, but it actually transcends into all areas of expertise and authority across the Web.  In today's world of self-proclaimed experts, you need to find a way to position yourself as the true expert.  How can you do that?  One of the easiest ways to establish yourself as a true expert in your field is to publish authoritative content.Authoritative content is useful, meaningful and continual.  Readers can depend on it and trust it.  Newstex only syndicates editorially-selected authoritative content, because our distributor partners (such as LexisNexis) and our end-user customers (including influential professionals in the fields of business, law, government, academics, and more) need to know the content they're accessing is not just coming from so-called experts, but actually produced by authorities -- people who are truly knowledgeable and experienced.  In other words, authoritative content producers aren't just 'thinkers', they're 'doers'.  They live and breath their topics of expertise and produce valued content.How do you ensure the content you publish online is authoritative?  Simple -- meet your audience's needs by talking about the topics and concepts that matter to them.  Back up your content with your own experiences and personal knowledge.  Don't just think, show your readers what you mean in your content.  That's how you can differentiate yourself and your content from the self-proclaimed experts.Follow the link to learn more about content syndication through Newstex and give your content an instant credibility boost.

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