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In a new study conducted by iVillage, BlogHer, and Compass Partners, eMarketer reports that  53% of U.S. women age 18-77 who use the Internet participated in some form of online social media in March 2009.  Of those women who use social media, 3 out of 4 (75%) use social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.  More than 1 in two (55%) use blogs.   Check out the stats below:


12 million U.S. women (29% of the women who actively used blogs in March 2009) posted to blogs, and 8 million (8%) actually published blogs, while the remaining 22.7 million (54%) read blogs.  Those are some big numbers, and they're showing no signs of slowing down.  In fact, blog usage is taking more and more traffic away from traditional media everyday.  Check out the stats below to see the 1-year change in media usage habits:


So what do all these numbers tell us?  Social media has reshaped the way people share and receive information.  There's no going back now.  It's an exciting time to be a member of the blogosphere and online community!Images: eMarketer