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Want to get people to watch your online video content?  Motivate them to talk about it.That's right!  A new study by Knowledge Networks reports that the majority of online video is viewed by people who heard about it from another person.  Check out the stats via eMarketer below:


When you combine the number of people who are led to online video content via online and offline word of mouth (verbal + social media), you get an even bigger audience.  Clearly, getting people to talk about your online videos is the first step to generating organic online traffic to them.  Of course, to get noticed by an audience of professionals, syndicating your online video content through Newstex is an important tactic.  But remember, growing your online presence and audience requires an integrated marketing plan, meaning your content should be accessible from a variety of sources.  In other words, word-of-mouth marketing is just one piece of the puzzle, but it's a powerful one!  The more methods you pursue to get your content in front of more people, the better.

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