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If you've been waiting to upload your YouTube channel to the new design launched in December, then you might be surprised to visit your YouTube channel today and see that it's been upgraded for you. Today is the day that YouTube automatically migrated all YouTube channels to the new design -- whether or not channel owners were happy about it.For people who don't like change, YouTube is quick to point out that they spent a great deal of time listening to user feedback and analyzing channel performance metrics in order to create this new channel design. In a blog post published last week, the YouTube team explains that the new look and features will ultimately help people find the best and most relevant content and keep visitors on your channel longer. That's good news for Authoritative Content video publishers!To reduce complaints from naysayers, YouTube puts the onus back on the users and reminds them that clicking the blue "Send Feedback" button when they see it on YouTube is very important. Here's what the company said on its blog in response to people who aren't ready to accept the change:

"We know change is never easy, especially when it’s something you’ve spent lots of time and effort on. Even more, there are human beings at YouTube who look at every piece of feedback, bucket them into categories, and work with product teams to address them each week. So whenever you see a blue "Send Feedback" link, know that that's not some decorative ornament. It's for real. So give your feedback because we (humans) need it to keep creating ways for YouTube to showcase your channels."

So what does the new YouTube channel design offer? Some cool stuff. For example, you can choose from four templates to create the look that best meets your goals and needs -- Creator Template, Blogger Template, Network Template, and Everything Template. Each template offers a Featured Tab, so you can continue to feature the content that you really want people to see when they land on your channel.What do you think of the new YouTube channel layout? Have you upgraded yet? If you haven't, go check out your channel and make sure it looks the way you want it to look. YouTube offers a handy checklist that you can use to customize your channel using the new layout.Image: Rego Korosi

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