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Great news for online video publishers today -- YouTube announced via the YouTube blog that users can now upload videos up to 15 minutes in duration.  That's a 50% increase over the previous upload limit of 10 minutes.The company explains that the time limit is extending for uploaded videos because the YouTube Content ID system has evolved to a point where it's easier and more  reliable in identifying videos that have been uploaded but violate  copyright laws  (for example, uploaded movies or television shows).Newstex syndicates video content from many authoritative online publishers who use YouTube to share their video content, and it will be great to see what they do with that extra time!If you publish video content through YouTube, then you might be interested in the contest YouTube is holding to promote the new time upgrade.  Here are the steps to enter the contest via the YouTube blog:

"We encourage you to take full advantage of this new time limit by making a video of your “15 minutes of fame.”  Imagine that this video is all the world will ever know about you: what  would you want to communicate?  What will be the enduring stamp you’ve  left on us all? Tag your video with “yt15minutes,” upload it by  Wednesday, August 4, and we’ll select a handful of people to truly gain  their 15 minutes of fame by featuring them on the YouTube homepage in a  future spotlight."

What do you think of the upgraded time limit for YouTube videos?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.