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Many of the online video publishers who syndicate their video content through Newstex publish their videos on YouTube.  The ability to create your own, branded YouTube channel and the ease-of-use that YouTube offers makes it a popular online video destination for publishers and viewers.Yesterday, a post was published on the YouTube blog asking users to provide product ideas to help the team behind the site develop strategies to enhance it.  If there is something that has been bothering you about YouTube's functionality or you have a new idea to make the site even better, now is your chance to speak up!You can get all of the details on the YouTube blog, and you can provide your feedback on the Google product ideas page.According to the YouTube blog post, Google plans to take a few weeks reviewing all submitted ideas and will, "respond directly to the ideas you're most excited about."  So if you want Google to acknowledge an idea that is posted on the product ideas page, make sure you vote for it.Right now, I'm seeing a lot of suggestions for YouTube to move to HTML 5.  I'm also seeing some interesting ideas like adding a feature that makes it easy to find the next video in a series for users and the making it possible to upload multiple videos at the same time and then schedule them to publish online at specific times in the future.One of my favorite suggestions so far is one that would eliminate the one channel per user restriction.  Many publishers have multiple brands that they create content for and having a simple way to manage multiple channels from a single account would save time and hassle.What's your suggestion for YouTube?