Table of Contents
We're off this weekend to the Buying & Selling eContent Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona from April 9 - 11, 2006. This is a great conference in a very relaxed environment at the Camelback Inn, one of our favorite resorts.
Larry Schwartz will be on a panel Monday, April 10 following Esther Dyson's keynote speech. The panel is titled "When Everyone's a Publisher: The Impact of User-Generated Content." David Scott is the moderator and the other panelists are Cyndi Schoenbrum, Senior Research Analyst from Consumer Reports and Rusty Williams, Co-Founder of Prospero.
Larry will be talking about Newstex's Blogs On Demand product and how Blogs are being integrated into the enterprise.
Some of the questions we will try to answer include:
- What does this wealth of unfettered content mean for premium content owners and corporate content specialists?
- Are user-created resources important sources of information, and if so, why?
- If you buy, own, or distribute content, how do you position your products or adjust your strategies?
- What new opportunities arise and how can you come out on the upside of this groundswell of content proliferation?
If you have any comments or suggestions about this topic, please leave a comment or email Larry Schwartz.