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Larry Schwartz, Newstex President, will be speaking on a panel called Who's Paying Who and How? at the SIIA Content Forum. This year's Forum will be held in Los Angeles May 24 and 25. The 2005 SIIA Content Forum is the place where industry leaders involved in creating, publishing and distributing digital content gather annually to share their insights on the major business issues of the day.

David Meerman Scott, a member of the Newstex Board of Advisors will be moderating the Who's Paying Who and How? panel where attendees will hear key players in the world of new publishing paradigms debate what content and business models will drive revenue for publishers now and in the future. Open-access, blogs, search engines, e-newsletters, e-books, e-zines, vertical portals, horizontal portals, RSS, the list goes on, all have potential to transform not just the underlying business of publishing but also its core business models.  Additional panelist joining Larry and David include Bruce Antelman, President of; Corilee Christou, VP Online & New Media Licensing & Development at Reed Business Information; and Scott Virkler, VP Business Development at globalSpec. It should  be a fascinating panel.

If you're traveling to Los Angeles to attend the SIIA Content Forum, please say hello to us!