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Time for the Publisher INsider where we highlight some of the most       INovative, INteresting and INspirational content providers that are    part    of Newstex Authoritative Content.This month, the Publisher INsider profiles Hawthorne Videoactive Report whose online video content is offered through Newstex Authoritative   Content.

The Hawthorne Videoactive Report, which is produced by the Hawthorne Direct advertising agency, provides daily news, views and insights into the world of interactive  video-based advertising. The Report covers television, the web, mobile,  gaming and out-of-home initiatives.Videos for the Hawthorne Videoactive Report are published two to four times per week and typically last for about 3 minutes.  Each video discusses recent interactive advertising campaigns, news, and commentary.  For example, recent videos discussed Apple app downloads, a BMW ad in Germany that burns the BMW logo into moviegoers' retinas, and Bing virtual tours for local shops.  You can view a recent video below.Each video is well-produced and scripts are well-written.  The on-air talent does a great job of presenting the information clearly and the short duration of each video makes them easy to sit through in their entirety.  Videos can be viewed on the Hawthorne Videoactive website or on the Hawthorne Videoactive YouTube channel.Hawthorne Videoactive has been creating video content since January 2007 and is certainly a leader in Authoritative Content production for the online video audience.  You can access archived video content on the Hawthorne Videoactive website.