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Time for the Publisher INsider where we highlight some of the most        INovative, INteresting and INspirational content providers that are     part    of Newstex Authoritative Content.This month, the Publisher INsider profiles Legal Broadcast Network whose online video content is offered through Newstex Authoritative   Content.

The Legal  Broadcast Network, LB Network, describes itself as the nation's premier source for online user-generated legal commentary, news, social networking, and information for lawyers, by lawyers. The LBNstudio channel on Dailymotion includes over 700 videos that are professionally produced and highly authoritative.Recent videos, like the one below, cover topics such as Wisconsin layoffs, tax laws, annuity news, state bankruptcies, and more. The topics are diverse and hosted by an equally diverse group of legal experts.The Legal Broadcast Network was founded by Jan Schlichtmann, who is a nationally renowned attorney and advocate for public justice and environmental issues, and Mark Wahlstrom, who is one of the nation's leading settlement planning professionals and an advocate for plaintiffs rights to representation. The Legal Broadcast Network was developed with a mission to leverage new media tools to  reach a very specific, high value audience of lawyers from all over the  United States.The content from the Legal Broadcast Network is a perfect representation of the authoritative content that can be found online and is a perfect fit for Newstex Authoritative Content syndication services. If you publish authoritative video content, contact us to discuss your licensed video syndication options to broaden your audience.