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Time for the Publisher INsider where we highlight some of the most  INovative, INteresting and INspirational content providers that are part  of Newstex Authoritative Content.This month, the Publisher INsider profiles LegalMinds TV whose video interview  content is offered through Newstex Authoritative Content.

LegalMinds TV offers exclusive video interviews with attorneys focused on a variety  of corporate law topics, such as securities regulation, intellectual  property, litigation, labor and employment, corporate finance, private  equity, environmental law, and more.   The goal of LegalMinds TV is to provide timely, authoritative content  to senior corporate executives, their board of directors and their  counsel.Recent videos discussed topics as diverse as protecting brands from trademark infringement, new developments and legal issues related to outsourcing, challenges and opportunities accessing capital markets.  Each attorney who participates in a video interview on LegalMinds TV offers useful insight into legal issues that matter to businesses today.  Furthermore, each attorney's bio is published with his or her interview as well as his or her ranking (an attorney rating service) and a PDF transcript of the interview.Video interviews on LegalMinds TV are typically aroud 5-minutes in length and are filled with useful, actionable, and authoritative information.  If you haven't watched LegalMinds TV, you should check it out!