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Time for the Publisher INsider where we highlight some of the most INovative, INteresting and INspirational content providers that are part of Newstex Blogs On Demand and Video On Demand.This month, the Publisher INsider profiles The Young Turks whose content is offered through Newstex Video On Demand.


The Young Turks slogan says it all -- "Rebel Headquarters".The Young Turks is considered the first nationwide liberal talk show and first live, daily Internet TV show.  Videos from The Young Turks provide a funny, smart, irreverent and entertaining look at politics, sex, news, pop culture, current affairs and personal stories. The Young Turks airs live Monday F from 6:00-9:00 pm ET via webcast nationwide.But that description doesn't really tell the complete story about The Young Turks.  This line from the site's About page sums up The Young Turks quite well:The Young Turks is revolutionary in, " daring to be honest with people. We   don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real   conversations and deliver the news honestly."Along with honest reporting on a host of topics, The Young Turks provides  authoritative content.  The following quote from General Wesley Clark says it all:"The role and impact of new media on the electoral process grows every year. The Young Turks get it. Their live webcast reaches and engages people where they live and work. It has become a part of the national conversation on the air and over the Internet."With recent videos about how Republicans feel about Fox News, fake prostitution rings, and how much reality television stars get paid, the content is most definitely varied, interesting, and insightful.The Young Turks represents a perfect example of authoritative content coming from online video and nontraditional media sources (although one could argue that the term "nontraditional media sources" has changed a lot over the past few years -- but I'll save that for another post).Are you using online video to share your own content, information and opinions?  The doors of opportunity are wide open, as The Young Turks demonstrate.  If you're already publishing authoritative online videos, you can enhance your exposure and earn some money through Newstex licensed online syndication.  Learn more here.