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Content writers across the internet tend to publish their material on websites and social media platforms that are supported by advertising. Such platforms are incentivized to reach as many people as possible, because their advertisers want big audiences. This means more reach for content writers, but there are alternative ways to build an engaged audience.

An underutilized option for content writers to publish material on is information databases.

Information databases are subscription-based platforms where users can find content through search-based queries provided by researchers. Most writers overlook these databases as potential alternatives to ad-supported platforms.

This is a mistake.

Information databases are strong options for writers who wish to connect with a corporate audience in particular. The corporate audience is an especially engaged group of readers that actively utilizes content in their daily work. If your content is informative and well-written, you should consider publishing it on an information database in order to reach these readers.

Information databases have active readers

Information databases contain large libraries of diverse content with high-quality information about different topics. This content addresses a wide range of subjects and is curated to suit professional audiences that actively read about their fields.

These subscription-based databases differ from ad-supported platforms because their intended purpose is to enable targeted research and discovery. They expose writers to a new crowd of active readers who seek out specific information.

Readers that actively consume content from databases are usually professional researchers of some sort. They often include journalists, lawyers, consultants, and others who carry out due diligence and data analysis as part of their daily work.

Lawyers use information databases to access public records and for case preparation. Journalists use information databases to support their research on a particular story, and consulting professionals may use the platform to devise business strategies based on relevant data insights.

If you produce high-quality content on various topics in business and technology, you can serve this unique audience of professional experts with your content.

Content writers who want to publish their work on these platforms rely on companies such as Newstex to support the process. Newstex helps writers inform knowledgeable audiences about diverse topics by connecting with distribution partners that compile online written content into databases. These databases are available to a wide variety of readers, whose employers often pay subscription fees to enable access. If your content is syndicated by Newstex and is popular with these readers, you may receive a portion of these subscription fees.

Relying solely on social media interactions does not always enable  exposure to the right audience. Instead, you should publish on information databases to access active readers who seek information on topics that you happen to be writing about.

Brand new cohorts of readers exist on these platforms

Written content published on databases can reach diverse audiences across millions of subjects.

Unique information databases have introduced writers to brand new cohorts of readers that regularly consume content on these platforms. Writers can create shareable content that populates multiple platforms and greatly increases audience reach.

While the subject matter can vary, work published here should be well-written and consist of high-level insights. Information databases attract audiences who use content published on these platforms for help related to endeavors for work or research.

Through keyword-based alerts and notifications, information databases regularly update new cohorts of potentially untapped readers that want this kind of information. An example of an information database that does this is LexisNexis, a law-based database that provides content solutions for professionals in fields such as risk management, law enforcement, accounting, business, and academia.

Writers have to match the quality-expectations for audiences prominent on these platforms, but they can thrive when they do so.

Readers attracted to these platforms are commonly familiar with research and analysis. Publishing your content on information databases will help your work stand out to subject-matter experts that utilize these platforms.

For example, if you are a business writer you can benefit from publishing content that is used by industry leaders. Readers may also include references to your article in their own writing, further expanding on opportunities that arise for writers on information databases.

Content writers have the ability to tap into lucrative information channels that host dedicated audiences and want consistent content solutions. If more writers decide to use information databases as alternatives to traditional platforms, this will dramatically enhance results and impact growth.

Content writers have to meet the demands of these brand-new readers, and they can do this by providing current and authoritative information.

Cryptopolitan, for example, has discovered its unique content value in the form of niche cryptocurrency news and industry coverage. Cryptopolitan partners with online platforms including Newstex which promote their content across the internet and scale visibility to similar websites that serve adjacent audiences. Cryptopolitan relies on the syndication service provided by Newstex, and they’ve been successful in supplying readers with high-quality content.

Digital publications have immense worth and exposure to readers on these platforms can completely change the way writers experience their careers. Learning to publish credible content on information databases can seem daunting for aspiring online writers, but if they neglect to do so they miss out on a potential world of opportunities.


Online writers can publisher on many different platforms to reach audiences and impact readers. Generally, these platforms include blogs, websites, and social media services.

A major platform that most writers fail to engage with is entire information databases.

These databases have access to millions of readers that are hungry for impactful content. Prospective writers who can keep their audience up-to-date with fast-moving will develop a strong readership on databases.

Writers who want to access these readers should expand their content scope to include information databases. Companies like Newstex can partner with these writers and support them throughout this process.

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