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The success of your online video content comes in part from the manner in which you upload your videos.  If you upload your videos to YouTube, the most popular online video site, then you're in luck because Mark Robertson of Reel SEO put together an excellent presentation filled with tips to help you optimize your YouTube videos.Much of your YouTube success comes from making sure people can find your videos.  Mark offers the following tips for uploading your video content to YouTube, so you start out on the right foot:

  • HD-quality
  • 16:9 aspect ratio recommended (4:3) letterboxed
  • Resolution: HD = 1280x720 or 1080p; Other = 640x360 (16:9) or 480X360 (4:3)
  • MP4 file format
  • .h264 video compression
  • AAC or MP3 audio compression
  • Frames per second: 30
  • Maximum length: 10:59 (recommend 2-3 minutes)
  • Maximum file size: 2 GB

Mark also warns that YouTube success encompasses far more than just titles, keywords, and metadata.  Check out his complete presentation below to learn more.

How to Optimize YouTube Videos - YouTube SEO - ReelSEO Presentation

View more presentations from Mark Robertson.

If you're not already using the tips Mark offers in his presentation, then start using them now to maximize your online video content success going forward.

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