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The team at Newstex is excited to share the news of a new content syndication opportunity for companies that have corporate Facebook pages.  Newstex now licenses content published on Facebook company pages for syndication as news feeds to information providers and enterprise customers.  You can follow the link to read the complete Newstex press release.As Newstex President Larry Schwartz explains:

“For companies, syndicating Facebook page content enables them to position their brands and news in front of audiences that need it to do their jobs such as journalists, academics, government officials, and more.  It’s one more communications tool that companies can use to generate publicity and build brands.  And don’t forget.  Those audiences are consumers, too, and Facebook page content syndication offers a valuable form of content marketing."

Adding Facebook company page content syndication to Newstex's existing blog, Twitter, and video content syndication services is just one more way that online publishers and Newstex provide Authoritative Content to people who need access to credible information they can trust in order to do their jobs every day.