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We use Twitter at Newstex and have noticed over the past four months a surge of activity on Twitter by many of the same bloggers whose blogs we syndicate.  Many of the "tweets" have become news, in some cases breaking news before it is posted to a blog. The limit of 140 characters makes for short headline oriented posting and the feel of an old fashion "newswire". 

Similar to our Blogs On Demand newsfeed, we have licensed "tweets" from Twitter authors and are grouping the "tweets" into useful real time newsfeeds - we call our product "Newstwits".

Below is the press release - let us know if you think this will be useful for your business.

Newstex Launches NewsTwitsâ„¢, a Twitter-Based Newsfeed

Newstex delivers licensed Tweets to millions of professionals
via content distributors and enterprise customers

GUILFORD, CT May 19, 2008 – At the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) NetGain Conference in San Francisco today, Newstex, the Content on Demand® company, announced NewsTwits™, a new product that delivers Twitter content as a newsfeed to information providers and enterprise customers.

Twitter ( is a social networking and multi-platform messaging service that allows users to broadcast short-form updates known as "tweets" (text-based posts up to 140 characters) to their online colleagues in real time. Messages sent via Twitter are displayed on the sender's profile page on the Twitter website and are instantly delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them.

Updates can be sent via cell phone SMS, instant messaging or third-party applications, such as Twitterrific, Twhirl and Facebook. Recipients get their updates via the Twitter website, instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email and, now, through the NewsTwits newsfeed from Newstex.

Like its Blogs on Demand™ service, Newstex licenses full-text Twitter content directly from Twitter users and then uses its proprietary NewsRouter® technology to aggregate and deliver to distributors and enterprises in real time. The NewsTwits newsfeed from Newstex easily integrates as a headline feed into countless enterprise-grade applications that people use daily.

For bloggers, content creators and other media professionals, NewsTwits is a syndication model that tremendously increases their profile. Media organizations, financial firms, and government agencies that already use Newstex’s Content on Demand service for millions of their users are finding that NewsTwits makes accessing Twitter-based content a snap. Already, hundreds of syndicated bloggers from Newstex’s Blogs on Demand network have signed up for NewsTwits.

“Blog content has become a ‘must-have’ for millions of researchers and enterprise professionals,” said Larry Schwartz, President of Newstex. “Recently, Newstex has added hundreds of top newspaper blogs to the thousands of full-text, premium blogs that we license and deliver. Now, we are thrilled to be first in licensing and distributing the best user-generated Twitter content via NewsTwits on an editorially-selected, full-text basis for enterprise use throughout the world.”

About Newstex
Newstex offers Content on Demand® and Blogs on Demand™, which includes tailored, real-time news and commentary from thousands of branded newswires, newspapers, magazines, financial and business sources, official government feeds and blogs. Newstex collects full-text digital news and commentary feeds, standardizes the content format, adds stock ticker symbols, indexes stories using PeopleTickering® and topical categories, and instantly delivers the result via easy-to-integrate XML or RSS newsfeeds. In 2007, Newstex was selected for the EContent 100 companies that matter most in the digital content industry, while Blogs on Demand was voted “Top New Technology” in Information Today’s People’s Choice Awards. For more information, please visit the Newstex site and the Newstex blog