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In addition to giving away an iPad2 to an attendee at BlogWorld & New Media Expo East in New York City this week, which was awarded to Shel Horowitz of, Newstex held a second exclusive raffle for publishers who currently syndicate their content through Newstex Authoritative Content and visited the Newstex booth at the conference.Just 4 Newstex publishers took time from their busy conference schedules to visit the Newstex booth, which meant they had a 1 in 4 chance to win a new iPad2! If you attend the next BlogWorld event where Newstex is exhibiting and giving away more iPads or other great prizes exclusively to Newstex Authoritative Content publishers, make sure you stop by the Newstex booth to enter the contest. Your odds of winning are very, very good!Congratulations to Newstex Authoritative Content publisher Jon L. Gelman who won the iPad2 from Newstex which was raffled off in the contest open exclusively to current Newstex publishers!Jon is an attorney and author of Worker's Compensation, a blog about the analysis and trends and developments in worker's compensation law throughout the United States. In a career spanning more than three decades, Jon is nationally recognized as an author, lecturer and  skilled trial attorney in the field of workers’ compensation law as well as occupational and environmental disease litigation. He truly is an authority in his field!

Jon's son was on hand at BlogWorld & New Media Expo East in New York City to accept the new iPad2 on his father's behalf from Newstex Director of Publisher Relations, Aura Sujaritchan Novembre.Congratulations, Jon!