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Forbes released its annual list of the top 100 websites for women this week, and a number of Newstex Authoritative Content publishers, such as Brazen Careerist, Corporette, Jezebel (from Gawker), and Women on Business by Newstex Marketing Consultant Susan Gunelius.The variety of websites and blogs included on the Forbes list is fantastic. Browse through the list and you'll find small independent blogs as well as corporate websites and well-known online magazines. Some standouts that you might not know about include Catalyst, The Glass Hammer, and She Takes on the World.Since this is a list of the top 100 websites for women, you'll find a lot of the sites you'd expect on the list such as iVillage and CafeMom. However, if you look closer, you'll find a lot of fantastic resources for women that discuss countless topics of interest to women, such as business, parenting, finances, style, entertainment, and more. In other words, this is not a niche list of top blogs. It's very diverse.Women are a powerful online community, and it's great to see sites dedicated to topics of interest to the female audience getting the recognition they deserve for publishing authoritative content every day.What's your favorite website for women? Leave a comment and tell us if your favorite made the list of the top 100 websites for women in 2012 according to Forbes.Image: Hilde Vanstraelen