Newstex marketing consultant and publisher Susan Gunelius is the #1 women and leadership influencer online according to a ranking report by social media influence moderation company Traackr.Traackr used its Influencer Network Analysis feature to identify the top people who are influencing content and conversations about women and leadership online. Based on its analysis, Traackr identified and ranked the top 49 women and leadership influencers. Susan Gunelius tops the list and her blog, Women on Business (syndicated by Newstex), is also included in the Interactive Women and Leadership Influencer Map.The 49 influencers on the list include writers and editors like Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Beast, Susan Adams of Forbes, Shyam Panchavati of the Harvard Business Review, Andrew Ross-Serkin of The New York Times, and Manoush Zomorodi of WNYC Radio. It's a diverse group of thought leaders who publish and share content and engage with and influence people about topics related to women and leadership.To develop the women and leadership influencer ranking, Traackr used its tools and analysis capabilities to find people who create and share content including terms like leadership, women, careers, mentors, women executives, and working. From the list of individuals identified with these terms, Traackr identified who these people were highly engaged with. Finally, Traackr pulled that data together with full online profiles for each influencer and created its visual influencer map. The map is interactive so users can see how influence dynamics work online.You can visit the Traackr blog to learn more about the creation of the women and leadership influencer ranking and the interactive influencer map.Of course, influence ranking isn't an exact science, but the Traackr list of the top women and leadership influencers offers a great opportunity to find, follow, and connect with people who are making significant contributions to the online conversations about women and leadership.
Top Women and Leadership Influencer is Newstex Marketing Consultant Susan Gunelius

Newstex marketing consultant and publisher Susan Gunelius is the #1 women and leadership influencer online according to a ranking report by social media influence moderation company Traackr.